Getting a Handle on Information Chaos: How to Keep Track of Files

Are you struggling with information management and knowledge management in your company? Is it difficult to keep track of the various files spread across your network folders? It is time to get a handle on the chaos and make sure that practitioners can easily find what they are looking for. This blog post will explain how to better manage your information and keep track of files.

Information management

Consequences of Poor Information Management

In today’s fast-paced business environment, it’s vital that companies provide their employees with quick and easy access to the information they need. However, studies show that only a small percentage of company files actually contain relevant knowledge. This can create serious problems for junior practitioners who are tasked with identifying the correct files without any guidance. In such situations, senior practitioners may become bottlenecks, slowing down the entire organisation and leading to poor outcomes. In the worst-case scenario, you could be at risk of negligence claims if less experienced colleagues are left to it. To avoid these risks and maintain high levels of productivity, companies must prioritise efficient information management practices.

Inefficiently organised network folders can lead to a multitude of issues for a company. Firstly, the time wasted by employees searching for files can result in a decrease in productivity. Instead of focusing on their actual work, they spend valuable time combing through folders, causing frustration and delays.

In addition, the mixing of client files with internal documents poses a risk to confidentiality. If sensitive client information is accidentally accessed or shared, it can have serious legal and reputational consequences for the company.

Furthermore, without a standardised system in place, files may be duplicated or saved in multiple locations, leading to confusion and a waste of storage space. This not only makes it difficult to find the correct version of a document but also increases the risk of errors and inconsistencies in the work being done.

Overall, poor information management can result in decreased productivity, compromised confidentiality, wasted storage space, and increased errors. It is crucial for companies to recognise the consequences and take steps to improve their information organisation and management practices.

Six Best Practices for Organising Files

To tackle the chaos of network folders and improve information management, it is essential to implement best practices for organising files. Here are some key strategies to consider:

1. Identify Key Information Files:

Separate client files from information and knowledge files and remember to remove client details from the latter. It is useful to add guidance notes as to the usage of the item.


2. Establish a Naming Convention:

Establish a clear and consistent naming convention: Develop a standardised naming system that is intuitive and easy to understand. Include relevant details such as date, client name, project title, or file type to ensure files are easily searchable. When adding dates use a consistent format that also helps with the sorting order. A format like 2023 09 28 ensures that documents will be sorted correctly in year, month, and then day order with older documents coming before the newer ones.



3. Create a Folder Hierarchy:

Organise files into a logical folder structure that reflects each department’s workflow. Consider using categories, subcategories, and subfolders to group similar files together and make navigation more efficient. Top categories could be sector, type of work, or territory.



4. Implement Metadata Tagging:

Tagging files with metadata such as keywords, file properties, or descriptions can provide additional context and make searching for specific files much easier. This can be particularly helpful for large file collections or when multiple users are involved.



5. Implement Version Control:

Establish a system for managing document versions to avoid confusion and duplication. Use clear version numbering or date stamps to track revisions and ensure that users always have access to the most up-to-date file.


6. Regularly Review and Clean-up Folders:

Schedule regular reviews to declutter network folders and delete any unnecessary or outdated files. This will help reduce storage space and make it easier to locate relevant information.


By implementing these best practices, you can transform your network folders into a well-organised and easily searchable resource. This will enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and ensure that practitioners can quickly find the files they need to perform their tasks effectively.

Six Benefits of Utilising Information Management Solutions

Utilising technology solutions can assist with the best practices recommended in the previous section. Consider using a cataloguing system or information management system to help solve the problems of poor information management and to support the efficient retrieval of information files for the benefit of all concerned.

Here are 6 key benefits:

1. Consistent Metadata Tags:

Using a system to manage metadata tags such as subjects, sectors, type of work, entities, and other descriptors can ensure consistency and save practitioners time during the search process. By controlling these lists, information can be tagged accurately and efficiently, eliminating the need to consider all possible synonyms. This can ensure that all practitioners have confidence that they have found all the correct information to carry out their work.

2. Improved Access:

Cloud-based solutions can enable practitioners to access files from anywhere at any time, eliminating the need to be physically present in the office. This allows for greater flexibility and enables remote collaboration, making it easier for teams to work together effectively.

3. Intuitive and Fast Searchability:

If different departments need to organise and structure their network folders in different ways, the search capabilities of information management systems overcome this by providing intuitive search features and filters that can help practitioners quickly find the files they need, without having to sift through lots of folders and subfolders. Instead of looking through hundreds of documents, the search can identify the few most relevant documents very quickly, improving productivity.

4. Improved Version Control:

Version control can be managed better in an information management system because the knowledge management gatekeepers can ensure that the latest version is attached to the record for the practitioner to use. The attached version is locked to protect the master, and when a practitioner wishes to use it they can save a working copy to their client workspace as a new document. This prevents a master document from being accidentally corrupted.

5. Review Tools:

Information management systems typically provide tools for adding a default future review date which can be extended or shortened as required. The system will provide alerts and lists of documents coming up for review, ensuring that key information files are reviewed in time.

6. Robust Security

Furthermore, technology solutions can provide robust security measures to protect sensitive company information. With features like access controls, encryption, and audit trails, companies can ensure that their files are only accessible to authorised individuals and are protected from potential data breaches.

Reviewing and Maintaining the System

To ensure the long-term success of your newly implemented file organisation system, it is crucial to regularly review the content in your system and its organisation. It’s not a case of setting it up once and then forgetting about it. You need to add new files, periodically review existing content, and remove outdated or unnecessary files. Additionally, as your company evolves and grows, you may need to update or expand the controlled tag lists to accommodate new departments or projects. This can involve creating new folder hierarchies, updating naming conventions, or implementing additional metadata tagging.

Appoint Information Officers

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Appointing Information Officers within your company can be a game-changer when it comes to managing and organising your information files. These individuals are specially trained in the storage and retrieval of information, and they can bring their expertise to bear in ensuring that your files are easily accessible and well-organised.

Information Officers can take on various responsibilities to help streamline your file management processes. They can curate key files containing important information and knowledge, ensuring that they are properly tagged and categorised for easy retrieval. By working closely with practitioners and department heads, they can identify the most critical files and ensure that they are readily available when needed.

In addition to file curation, Information Officers can also oversee regular reviews of the system. They can schedule and conduct audits to assess the effectiveness of your file organisation practices and make any necessary adjustments. They can also work with practitioners to train them in the use of the system, ensuring that everyone understands how to retrieve the right information files efficiently and effectively, leading to a boost in practitioner productivity.

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